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  • Five unexpected things that can be helped using NAET Treatment

    Many of you already know that NAET is wonderful at treating allergies in the air as well as food allergies. In this blog, I will discuss some of the unusual things that NAET can help treat that you might not have thought of. Barometric Pressure Do you experience headaches or drowsiness from the barometric pressure? Can you feel it in your bones when it’s going to rain? I have so many patients with symptoms associated with barometric pressure. The first NAET treatment that I ever did on my mom was in 2011. I remember it so clearly it was the Wednesday before my wedding and her typical headache was coming. These headaches are something that she had dealt with for years and would always come several days leading up to big Texas thunderstorms as the barometric pressure rose. She would end up taking Advil and being in bed miserable until it finally started raining and the pressure would drop. We had family coming in town and she really felt a bit panicky, knowing that she didn’t have time to be in bed because she would be playing hostess to out of town guests. She asked me if there was anything I could do. I did a NAET treatment on barometric pressure and within 20 minutes, her pain was completely gone. To this day… She still is headache free no matter what the weather is. Altitude I have experienced altitude sickness since high school and always had to take medication when I traveled to the mountains. It was severe… to the point of hospitalization. I have now successfully been able to go to the mountains without medication several times thanks to NAET treatments. Several of my clients spend a lot of time in Colorado in the summer and I’ve had similar success for altitude or doing a distance treatment if they experience symptoms at the time. Car sickness or Motion Sickness This NAET treatment is perfect if you experience car sickness or are headed on a cruise. I once treated a little boy who would throw up every time he was in the car for more than about 15 minutes. This was a huge problem because they lived out in the country and often had to drive into town. Life got a lot easier when the mom could take the child places without the constant fear that he would throw up in the car. Hormones Most people have never considered being allergic to something that’s actually inside their body. We are all aware of symptoms of PMS. Although this is common, it’s actually not normal. NAET treatments can help the body to feel neutral to the ups and down of hormones and stay balanced and symptom free. Countless patients have had migraines alleviated, have stop having mood swings, and reduced bloating and painful cramps by having a treatment on hormone mix. One of my patients actually claimed that it saved her marriage. Emotions Did you know that emotions are energy in motion? If they get trapped, they will cause disease or dis-ease of flow. Different emotions tend to be stored in different organs or glands and will disrupt function if stuck. For example, anger tends to be stored in the liver and grief tends to be stored in the lungs. One of my patients had amazing results with being treated for grief that was causing a chronic cough for three years. Cough had been present since losing her husband three years prior, but no one had associated the two. She was able to stop using all of her allergy medicine and inhalers after the NAET treatment. One of my favorite things about NAET is how versatile it can be. Of all the tools in my toolbox, this has provided to be the most valuable, especially at helping ailments where Western medicine says there is no cure. Do you have a question about a condition and whether or not NAET can help? Feel free to reach out.

  • Grounding the Mind, Nourishing the Body: The Transformative Power of Grounding Practices

    In the hustle and bustle of our modern lives, where we are constantly bombarded by information and stimuli, finding moments of stillness and connection is more crucial than ever. Grounding, a practice rooted in ancient wisdom, offers a profound way to reconnect with the present moment and foster a sense of well-being. Let's explore the transformative power of grounding and the myriad benefits it brings to our bodies. Understanding Grounding: A Return to Roots Grounding, also known as earthing, is the practice of connecting with the Earth's energy. It involves physically connecting with the ground, whether it be through walking barefoot on grass, soil, sand, or immersing oneself in natural elements. The concept is deeply rooted in the idea that direct contact with the Earth's surface can balance and restore the body's natural electrical state by exchanging electrons and neutrons with the Earth's surface. The Benefits of Grounding for the Body Stress Reduction and Anxiety Alleviation: Grounding has been shown to have a calming effect on the nervous system. By allowing excess energy to flow into the Earth, grounding helps reduce cortisol levels and promotes a sense of calm. This, in turn, can alleviate stress and anxiety, providing a natural remedy for the challenges of daily life. Improved Sleep Quality: In our technology-driven world, our bodies are often exposed to electromagnetic fields that can disrupt sleep patterns. Grounding has shown promise in normalizing circadian rhythms, helping individuals achieve a more restful and rejuvenating sleep. Pain Relief and Inflammation Reduction: Emerging research suggests that grounding may have anti-inflammatory effects, helping to alleviate chronic pain and reduce inflammation in the body. By neutralizing free radicals, grounding contributes to an overall sense of physical comfort. Enhanced Energy and Vitality: Grounding allows the body to absorb the Earth's natural energy, promoting a sense of vitality and rejuvenation. Many individuals report feeling more energized, focused, and centered after incorporating grounding practices into their routine. Balanced Mood and Emotional Well-Being: Connecting with the Earth has a profound impact on . Grounding practices are associated with improved mood, reduced feelings of depression, and an overall sense of emotional balance. Simple Grounding Practices to Incorporate Barefoot Walking: Take a leisurely stroll on natural surfaces like grass, sand, or soil. Feel the textures beneath your feet and let the Earth's energy flow through you. Gardening: Engage in gardening activities, allowing your hands to come in direct contact with the soil. Connect with the Earth as you nurture and cultivate plant life. Nature Immersion: Spend time in nature. Whether it's a hike in the woods, a day at the beach, or a quiet moment in a park, immerse yourself in the natural environment. Grounding Mats: Use grounding mats or sheets indoors to maintain a connection with the Earth, even when you're inside. Mindful Breathing: Practice mindful breathing while consciously visualizing your connection with the Earth. Imagine inhaling the Earth's energy and exhaling any tension or stress. Embracing the Healing Power of Grounding In a world that often feels chaotic and overwhelming, grounding serves as a powerful antidote and it's FREE and available to everyone! By embracing the Earth's energy, we can harmonize our bodies, reduce stress, and cultivate a profound sense of well-being. So, kick off your shoes, reconnect with the Earth, and allow the transformative power of grounding to enrich your life. Your body and mind will thank you for it.

  • Embracing the Gift of Slow: Navigating the Holiday Season with Intention

    The holiday season is a whirlwind of celebration, indulgence, and social gatherings. However, amidst the chaos of obligations and commitments, it's crucial to recognize the value of slowing down. In this blog, we explore the importance of embracing the gift of slow during the festive season and savoring the moments that truly matter. Quality Over Quantity: Redefining Holiday Priorities 1. Selective Socializing You don't have to attend every party or say 'yes' to every invitation. Instead, focus on events that align with your values and bring genuine happiness. The essence of the holidays lies in the quality of the moments created, not the quantity of activities. 2. The Joy of Missing Out This year, make a conscious effort to savor the joy of missing out. Prioritize self-care and find balance by declining invitations without guilt. Moments of stillness can be powerful antidotes to holiday chaos, allowing for reflection and appreciation. Meaningful Gestures: Rethinking the Spirit of Giving 3. Thoughtful and Personalized Gifts Rather than spreading yourself thin with generic presents, concentrate on thoughtful and meaningful gestures for those closest to you. A personalized note, a handmade creation, or a shared experience often hold more value than hurriedly chosen, extravagant gifts. 4. Finding Balance in Giving Slowing down doesn't mean missing out on the spirit of giving. By focusing on meaningful acts of generosity, you can create a deeper connection with the true meaning of the holiday season. Prioritizing Well-being: Creating Lasting Memories 5. Saying 'No' Without Guilt Give yourself permission to decline invitations and prioritize self-care. Create space for quiet moments, whether it's curled up with a book, a leisurely stroll, or enjoying a cup of tea in solitude. Choose this year to practice navigating the holiday season with intention. 6. Appreciating the Little Moments As the year comes to a close, prioritize well-being and relish the simple joys of the season. By slowing down, breathing, and appreciating the magic in the little moments, you gift yourself a more peaceful and fulfilling holiday season. Navigating the Holiday Season with Intention: Final Thoughts As you navigate your December calendar, remember that you don't have to do it all. Instead, focus on doing the things that truly matter and savor the beauty of slowing down this holiday season. By embracing the gift of slow, you not only create lasting memories but also transcend the frenzy of this time of year, experiencing a more meaningful and joyous celebration.

  • Navigating Grief & Gratitude Through Somatic Coaching

    Tis the season of gathering & feasting, as we lean into traditions of gratitude and fellowship. For many it is also a season of anxiety-inducing circumstances, present or past hardship, and the realities of grief. Notice I said ‘it is also’ not either/or, because so much of our life is in the ‘both/and experiences’: gratitude & grief, beauty & brokenness, joy & sorrow, and so many others. As a somatic coach helping clients find their unwitnessed wounds, this (the both/and) is where I focus much of my attention and curiosity. Somatic story-work and the acknowledgments thereof in the relationship to healing are fascinating and deep. I encourage the understanding that we are not only capable of holding space for the both/and, but that it is a part of our designed path toward wholeness and necessary. (Wholeness meaning something that is complete in itself. Such an important definition to take hold of and believe.) In other words, using gratitude and grief as an example, rather than trying to escape, forget, or remove grief, for the substitute of gratitude, we make a relationship with it (grief), learn the language our body speaks when grief is present (for some of us it’s a foreign language and for others all too familiar), and create a path for gratitude and grief to meet, quite literally in our system, giving space for internal relational healing and much needed release. In other words, much of healing is about making relationships with the parts of us we’ve separated or isolated. It’s the essence of wholeness! Thus, believing we are designed to heal also comes with the truth we are designed for community, and the healthiest versions of ourselves is one within safe relationships striving toward true connection with each other and self - it’s another both/and. Unfortunately, we often store or exile parts of us away, however, due to our experiential or inherited (genetic) wounding deeming these parts (emotionally and physically) unfit, broken, wrong, deficient, annoying, overwhelming, or even shameful. Then, we experience what we call chronic symptoms, or what I would also define as evidence of a broken internal relationship. And how interesting and connective is it that so many of our internal broken relationships (chronic symptoms) often stem from what has happened with our external ones? Broken relationships of the body and of the mind truly do leave a mark, and the body does keep score. So much so, we can now correlate that childhood trauma (experiences we lacked an empathetic witness or relationship) can make an individual 10 times more likely to experience issues such as chronic pain, autoimmune disease, illness, lung and cardiovascular issues, and more. These potentially unacknowledged aspects of our life affect us exponentially. So what do we do with this information? You might be asking, how does this connect to me? That’s a good question, and one I think we would all benefit from asking. My advice is to support the internal AND external relationships - our internal being the mind and our stored memories + emotions and our relationships to them, and the external being our physical body and the people we are in community or relationship with. Somatic coaching and metaphorical story-work are the lenses at which I see and guide my clients through this discovery. If you would like to know more, I would gladly hold space with you answering your questions and helping bring insight into how we can approach your unique system for the purpose of pursuing embodied health, and you can find my link here. "Andea has made such a difference in my ability to connect where I’m storing trauma in my body and help me to release it," says Allison Blakewell, founder of Fort Worth Wellness. "She helped me to be able to create a safe place in my system and body in order to give a voice to old wounds. There are things that have come up that I really thought I had healed or didn’t even realize how they had affected me. When you take the time to understand your different parts, it’s so much easier to navigate new challenges. I also believe that I’m preventing disease because we are correcting di-ease of electrical flow in the body when we address stored trauma and bring connection back to that area." Here at Fort Worth Wellness, we care about the whole (body, mind, & spirit) and we acknowledge that these entities, if you will, are all intricately and intimately connected. At least they should be, and where we find chronic symptoms most exacerbated is often where we are most disconnected. Continually seeking the true restorative connections rather than the simple symptom ‘fixes’, we listen to your symptoms and your system speak as they guide us to the root cause(s). Adding the element of emotional understanding and how our wounding affects us gives us greater ability to approach our clients not only with compassion but affective treatments and guidance. So this holiday season when you find yourself struggling or in need of perspective, or maybe your chronic symptoms are increasing, your anxiety rising, or your health simply taking a hit, so to speak, reach out to this community. Communal healing is a need, and we each have our own unique stories as to how + why we provide the services we do, and we each carry our own ‘both/and’ history. Needing support is a natural position to be in at any time in life, but especially in the places where the remembered and the ‘what is’ intersect. Let us provide support, validate, and acknowledge your internal and external needs, as we join you on your path to whole living and wellness discovery. Tis the season!

  • Everything You Need to Know about NAET Treatment in Fort Worth

    Allergies can be a constant source of frustration and discomfort for people of all ages. Sneezing, itching, congestion, and rashes are just some of the unpleasant symptoms that often accompany allergies. But what if there was a different approach to managing these reactions? Enter NAET therapy and energy work – innovative methods that have shown promise in offering relief to children and adults dealing with allergies. Understanding Allergies: The Basics Before we delve into NAET therapy and energy work, it's essential to understand allergies. Allergies occur when your immune system reacts to a normally harmless substance, treating it as a threat. This substance, known as an allergen, can be anything from pollen and dust to certain foods and pet dander. The immune system's overreaction to these allergens results in allergy symptoms. Conventional treatments include antihistamines, corticosteroids, and allergy shots, which aim to control these reactions. However, NAET therapy and energy work offer an alternative perspective on allergy management. What is NAET Therapy? NAET, or Nambudripad's Allergy Elimination Techniques, is a holistic approach to treating allergies. Developed by Dr. Devi Nambudripad, this therapy combines principles of acupuncture (although we pressure points instead of needles) and and energy medicine to reprogram the body's response to allergens. During NAET therapy, a practitioner uses a technique called muscle response testing to identify specific allergens that trigger your symptoms. Then, a combination of acupuncture points, pressure points along the back, and energy balancing is used to "clear" the body's allergic response to these substances. How Energy Work Fits In Energy work, such as Reiki or other energy healing modalities, complements NAET therapy. These practices are based on the concept that the body has an energy field, and when this energy flow (electricity) is balanced, it promotes healing. By addressing imbalances in the body's energy field, energy work aims to alleviate various physical and emotional issues, including allergies. The Benefits of NAET for Children and Adults: So, what are the potential benefits of NAET therapy and energy work for allergy sufferers, both young and old? Non-Invasive Approach: Unlike conventional allergy treatments, NAET therapy and energy work are non-invasive and don't involve medication or needles. This makes them particularly attractive for children and individuals who may have aversions to these methods. Customized Treatment: NAET therapy is highly individualized. It pinpoints your specific allergens, ensuring that the treatment targets the sources of your allergies directly. Holistic Healing: Energy work, in combination with NAET therapy, promotes overall well-being by addressing not only the physical but also the emotional and mental aspects of allergies. Reduced Dependence on Medication: For many, these therapies may reduce the need for allergy medications, offering a more natural approach to symptom management. Improved Quality of Life: NAET therapy and energy work aim to reduce the frequency and intensity of allergic reactions, leading to a better quality of life for allergy sufferers. The Science Behind It: While NAET therapy and energy work may not be widely accepted in mainstream medicine, we are working hard to get scientific studies and spread the word. There are some published research studies available. These therapies work on the principle that allergens disrupt the body's energy flow, and by correcting these imbalances, the allergic response is minimized. Both ongoing scientific research in this field and individual testimonies of success support the effectiveness of these methods. In conclusion, NAET therapy and energy work in Fort Worth offer a unique perspective on allergy relief. By reprogramming the body's response to allergens and promoting energy balance, these holistic approaches may provide valuable solutions for children and adults dealing with allergies as a complementary and integrative approach. As always, it's essential to consult with a healthcare professional before embarking on any alternative therapy, but for those seeking non-invasive and customized allergy management, NAET therapy and energy work could hold the key to a more comfortable and allergy-free future.

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