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Breaking News - NAET Research Latest

The latest article on NAET and anaphylaxis was just released digitally by Global Advances in Health and Medicine

Written by Roy Nambudripad, MD.

Study: Biomedical Analyses of a Holistic Peanut Allergy Treatment: NAET

Independent researchers show NAET has promise to be effective for anaphylaxis symptoms.

Study: Treating Autism with NAET

A new research study titled "Improving Communication Skills in Children With Allergy-related Autism Using Nambudripad's Allergy Elimination Techniques: A Pilot Study" was recently published in Integrative Medicine — A Clinician's Journal.


Funded by The Teitelbaum Family Foundation and involving 60 autistic children, the study shows the efficacy of NAET as a treatment for autism.

Study: NAET Screening for Food Allergy, Sensitivity and Intolerances Using IgE-Specific Antigen Test and NST- NAET

The efficacy of NST-NAET to screen food sensitivity is evaluated in comparison with one of the well accepted, established, traditional medicine allergy testing known as the IgE-specific antigen test.

Study: NAET Efficacy

Title: Effects of NAET® as Relates to Most Common Allergy-related Subjective Pain Syndrome in a Chiropractic-Acupuncture-NAET® Office.

Objective: To determine the average number of office visits (Allergy elimination treatments) using NAET® that were needed to relieve symptoms suffered by patients.

Method: Data gathered and analyzed from office documentation spanning a ten-year period. Data from both male and female subjects of various ages were used. The patients completed symptom survey questionnaires; the most common signs/symptoms recorded in the sample group were used for the purpose of this analysis.

The number of patient visits until symptoms resolved were then tracked and documented.

Results: Approximately two-thirds of the sample group experienced resolution of symptoms within the first 15 - 25 visits. See the accompanying figures in the pdf document, below.

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