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fort worth vitamin check

Distance Vitamin Check

During this treatment, our practitioners assess your current vitamin levels. This allows us to get an accurate read on the supplements your body needs. Then, we can curate a customized treatment plan accordingly. 


Vitamins and minerals perform hundreds of roles within our bodies. Maintaining the proper amounts can help: 


  • Heal wounds 

  • Shore up bones

  • Bolster your immune system 

  • Aid digestion

  • Boost energy 

  • Repair cellular damage 

  • Combat fatigue

holistic wellness practitioner fort worth

NAET | Clarity Chair | Thermography | Auto Scan

Allison Blakewell

As someone who is passionate about finding health solutions to medical mysteries, Allison has been transforming the lives of her patients since 2010.

alternative wellness practitioner fort worth

Lifestyle Medicine | NAET | Lab Work

Ashley Lilburn

Ashley is passionate about helping individuals reclaim their vitality through lifestyle medicine, NAET therapy, and lab work.

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